Culinary Schools |
Ice carvers and students from around the world ask AICD to recommend culinary schools, culinary institutes, and culinary academies. Based upon 30 years of personal experience and client testimonies, we are pleased to refer the Top 65 Culinary Schools and Culinary Institutes. These schools did not pay a fee to appear on this list. |
AICD is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive training in ice sculpture, fruit carving, and vegetable carving possible to meet the needs and safety standards of ice sculpture companies, hotels, caterers, country clubs, and culinary schools around the world seeking to employ highly qualified, professionally certificated chefs and ice carvers. |
Providing far more instruction than what mere demonstrations of complex carvings can provide, Paul Germain's totally immersive, one-to-one, hands-on training techniques and real life applications make even the most detailed features of AICD's fascinating instructional programs come to life. Paul's break through methods of training prove to be nothing short of contagious for highly motivated chefs, culinary instructors, and professional ice carvers who want it all - their testimonials then say it all!
AICD is world
renown...by those who value the best.
Top 65 Culinary Institutes, Culinary Schools, Culinary Training Programs
Also includes sources for Fruit and Vegetable Carving Instruction
(Listed in Alphabetical Order)
To maintain the integrity of this list, please let AICD know of any non-working links or other concerns.
If you would like to recommend a culinary school that is not on the following list, please let us know.
We will be happy to provide a complimentary listing and link.
Please let these fine schools know that you were referred by AICD.
A note to the culinary schools and colleges listed below:
Please provide a link to AICD from your website.
This is a very good way to show appreciation for our efforts.
The link is: http://www.academyoficecarving.com
Thank you, Paul Germain
Be sure to read what chefs and career ice carvers have shared about their experience at AICD.
Wisdom worth repeating:
Pay now or pay later
Back in the 1800's, Englishman John Ruskin had quite a lot to say about the high cost of paying too little.
He wrote: "It is unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money and that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do".
Ruskin is also credited with another gem well worth mentioning. He said, "I have no quarrel with those that sell for less. They know what their stuff is worth".
This wisdom is even more important when it comes to securing the kind of high quality instruction that makes amazing careers and reputations possible.
Please read what our alumni have shared...
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